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Horsepower engine will recharge the famous car batteries

This latest version still needs meet automotive crash safety standards, and meet the FAA’s weight limit for Light-Sport Aircraft.Rather than gasoline, a 300-horsepower engine will recharge the famous car batteries vehicle’s batteries and give it a nonstop 500-mile flight range. And an emergency landing sequence would go into effect if the operator becomes unresponsive. It can also be recharged electrically on the ground.Following is a list of important scientific discoveries and innovations from the year 2016. The tyres rely on magnetic levitation. And the best part is, reactionless drive can help us reach Mars in three months!5. You see, light from the distance takes time to reach us and astronomers limited to using light to study objects will have a better access to the history of Space using gravitational waves. In simpler terms, CRISPR is the ability to specifically target viruses and bacteria that threaten an organism. The facility will be used to build batteries and the Tesla electric car. The process is also reversible. Currently, the factory is bigger than 95 football fields. Man moves metal fingers, for metalThe University of Ohio has achieved something wonderful. But the EM Drive relies on microwaves that are pushing into a cone for propulsion.2 light-years or 25 trillion miles from our Big Blue.1. They say feeding cows dried seaweed can cut the methane production by over 70 per cent, or 2. AlphaGo’s makers say the programme’s success means it can soon be applied in climate modeling and medical services. That’s the entire amount of CO2 that India emits each year!6. In theory, you can’t generate thrust without a fuel.17 gigatonnes. Which is why 2016 has been an important year for SpaceX. On B, a year lasts just 11 days and the planet exists in a zone in the universe scientists believe encourages water and perhaps, an atmosphere.10. The firm is hoping the tech will excite those working on autonomous cars and yes, they could be on to something there. The new potatoes are also more resilient and have better immunity from viruses. verticallySpaceX has been struggling to build a rocket that can be quickly prepped to fly again. But now, special sweet potato has been developed by cross-breeding local varieties with those that are rich in Vitamin A. CRISPR however, knows the threats and immediately after it detects an attack, the system sends relevant tips and guides to the Body’sdefence system — helping prevent the attack in the first place.

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